Self-driving cars have been all the rage in recent years, promising a future where we can sit back and relax while our cars do the driving for us. However, there has been one maneuver that has eluded these autonomous vehicles: parallel parking.

Until now, that is.

In a breakthrough development, a team of researchers has finally cracked the code on parallel parking for self-driving cars. “We’ve been working on this problem for years, and it’s a great feeling to finally see our hard work pay off,” said Dr. Robyn Smith, the lead researcher on the project.

The breakthrough came when the team realized that the key to successful parallel parking is not just about the car’s ability to navigate tight spaces, but also about its ability to communicate with other cars and objects in the environment. “We had to teach the cars how to negotiate with other cars for parking spots, just like human drivers do,” Dr. Smith explained.

The result is a self-driving car that not only parks itself perfectly every time, but also does so with a certain finesse that is reminiscent of a professional chauffeur. “We wanted to make sure that the car didn’t just park, but also did so in a way that looked impressive to onlookers,” Dr. Smith added.

The team has already received interest from several major car manufacturers, who are eager to incorporate this technology into their own autonomous vehicles. “This is a game-changer for the self-driving car industry,” said John Johnson, CEO of a major car manufacturer. “Parallel parking has always been a tricky maneuver, even for experienced human drivers. The fact that self-driving cars can now do it flawlessly is truly amazing.”

But perhaps the biggest winners in this breakthrough are the robots themselves. “For years, we’ve been the butt of jokes about our inability to parallel park,” said a representative for the Robot Rights Coalition. “Now, with this technology, we can finally hold our heads up high and parallel park with the best of them.”

So there you have it – self-driving cars that can parallel park with finesse. Who knows what other driving maneuvers they’ll master next?

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